- Individual Attention: Daily serves up to approximately 200 to 250 students. The traditional high schools in Glendale Unified serve 2,000 to 3,000 students each. Class sizes at Daily are significantly smaller with an average of 20 students per class compared to 35 students per class at traditional schools. The small size of the school and the small class sizes allow the teachers and other staff to provide much more individual attention to students.
- Fewer Distractions: We have a small campus, so students tend to be much more focused on academics. Before beginning classes at Daily, students participate in a two week orientation which focuses on setting goals for the future, finding strengths, changing bad habits and learning about how Daily works. The reading support program helps students improve their reading skills by an average of 1.5 grade levels in one year.
- Opportunity To Earn Credits Faster: How do students earn credits Faster? Daily operates on a Trimester schedule which means credits are earned three times during the regular school year. (Traditional schools operate on a semester system where credits are earned two times per year.) Each Trimester is 12 weeks long. Students are typically enrolled in 6 classes per trimester, so student have the potential to earn 90 credits in one school year as opposed to the 60 credits they can earn at a traditional school.
- Focus On Improvement: Each course has a detailed syllabus that emphasizes the most essential state standards. Teachers provide the same instruction that students receive at traditional schools including direct instruction, projects, tests, classwork, etc but with more individual attention due to smaller classes. Teachers at Daily are committed to not giving homework as long as students are able to keep up with classwork. If students earn passing grades at the end of a Trimester in any given course, they receive credit for that course. If students are too far behind in a course they simply repeat the course. Failing grades are not posted on the transcript.
Can I still graduate from my home school if I go to Daily?
Students can return to their home school and graduate as long as they earn enough credits at Daily to return with a high probability of graduating. Students can return in the Fall of their Senior year if they need 60 or fewer credits to graduate, or students can return for the Spring semester if they need 30 or fewer to graduate. Students need to pass both Semesters of Algebra I (preferably Geometry too) before being eligible to return. Many students actually prefer to stay and graduate from Daily once they have been with us for a while.
- For more information or to schedule a tour, please call (818) 247-4805.